Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Merriam-Webster defines crazy as such:

Crazy: full of cracks or flaws; being out of the ordinary; distracted with desire or excitement.

I believe that makes us all a little crazy, right?! Merriam-Webster...thank you for making crazy so approachable.

Derrick said I was crazy yesterday, because I had forgotten to brush my teeth and eat lunch. Typical for me. I spent the first 20 years of my life, waking up, eating breakfast, brushing my teeth, going to school, eating lunch, going back to school, eating dinner, taking a shower and going to sleep. After Addi was born, the first 20 years of scheduling went out the window. I no longer had a chance to do necessary things when I needed to do them, it was when Addi would allow! For the first year after you have your child, you are on their schedule. It happened again after Conner was born. I was a little less anal about spending every second with him, so I allowed myself to break away and shower and eat, and basically function as a human being. It is hard. Thats another thing no one told me before becoming a mother: "don't forget to eat, shower, brush your teeth..." You take the couple of minutes that it takes to do these tasks for granted, until you have someone pulling down your pants while you are face first in the sink trying to brush your teeth. Moments of calm are now gone! Sometimes I have to put Conner in the kitchen, just so I can bolt across the house and make it into the bathroom and shut the door before he finds me! When it is time to eat at our house, it is like a virtual 'crazy' house. Everyone is having a mini meltdown because they are hungry and dinner can't be cranked out fast enough. Crackers can only hold them over for so long, and if you give them too many, you have just ruined their dinner. By the time the kids are fed, the last thing I am worried about is eating. So I find myself eating breakfast, and lunch now during the kids' nap time; however, if the house is completely destroyed then I am picking up during nap time. So go figure, being a mom is hard. The entire day is filled with priorities, schedules, boo-boos, tears, smiles, and chuckles. When done correctly, parenting is not for the faint of heart! You give up your 'life' for your kids, so that you can give them life. It is truely amazing. I've learned so much about myself through my kids. I have found my sense of humor, I have learned my level of patience, I have learned that singing out loud is not silly, I have learned that I can help create another amazing generation of cherished adults, I have learned that no matter how angry or overwhelmed I am...a single giggle can make me feel refreshed and renewed. I live everyday for the giggles and the silly dance parties, and I adapt to all of the necessary tasks that have to be done in-between the giggles and dance parties! My definition of a mother: full of cracks and flaws; being out of the ordinary; distracted with desire or excitement. (your right babe...I am a bit crazy!)

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