Haven't had much time to write lately, so I've just been keeping little ideas of topics in my head...lol. Here we go!
Today (Sunday) was our last official day of Thanksgiving! Whew! Nothing like spreading your massive caloric intake over a period of 4 days.
Day one I was thankful for food and lots of it.
Day two I was thankful for days off and seeing family (oh and leftovers).
Day three I was thankful for nap times!
Day four (today) I am thankful for the 3% spandex in my jeans.
Ahhh...the holiday of 'thanks.'
Separate topic:
So last Monday I went back to work, after almost 11 months off...crazy! I was so ready to go back, but it was bittersweet! Day two of work and Addi was throwing an all out, on the floor, kicking and screaming, crying until drool pooled on the linoleum, throw her body in front of the door, fit. It was horrible. I called home a couple minutes after leaving to see how she was handling my leave, and she forgot I was gone...hence my new journey being bittersweet. I don't get a ''MOMMY!" when I walk through the door like daddy does...still haven't figured out why that is...I think he trained them to greet him like that. I need to work on my training!
I'm happy I went back to work. I needed the break! Sound funny? A stay at home mom went back to work for a 'break.' Yep, that's how difficult being a s.a.h.m. really is. There are some moms out there that might be cut out for it, but that mother is not I. I love my kids to death and I wouldn't trade them for the world, but I needed the break so that I still had some sanity when I reached the tender age of 24.
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My mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas...it took me about a week, but I got back with her. I want a new set of professional make up brushes and I want the DVD players that go on the back of car head-rests. Flawless make-up and a 45 minute road trip that didn't include screaming...who wouldn't call those the best presents ever?
Separate topic:
Derrick: Babe, did you re-name the t.v. guide, because it say's family favorites?
Me: Yes, I changed it from 'dshiznit' to 'family.'
Derrick: When did you do this?
Me: The day after you named it.
Separate topic:
Saw my little brothers Christmas list, well...saw the page long list that included only video games...there is another page to come I'm sure that will include a mile long list of weaponry. Will likes to dream big. That's one of his fabulous qualities. I swear that boy can always make me laugh.
Separate topic:
Will's hand writing for his Christmas list, looks strangely like Lauren's writing. My writing looks similar to my moms...I wonder if there is a direct correlation between the person that teaches you a lot about writing and the way you chose to write. Surely handwriting technique is not a genetic predisposition?
That's all...